Conference Posters and Presentations
Cortinas, A., Tedesco, A., Mohseni, N. & Chancellor-Freeland, C. (2020, November) The effects of attachment styles on social media intensity and stress. Poster to be presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Schirmer, K., Tedesco, A., Han, D., & Chancellor-Freeland, C. (2020, November) Benefits of Being Grateful: An Analysis of the Impact of Gratitude on Stress. Poster to be presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Tedesco, A., Han, D., Cortinas, A., & Chancellor-Freeland, C. (2020, November) The influence of cortisol on perceived time duration following an acute stressor. Poster to be presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Brain Smog: Is Air Pollution Worsening Mental Health? Dr. Cheryl Chancellor-Freeland, David Han, Elizabeth Ortega, Coleene Morton, Kaylin Schirmer, and Ashley Tedesco
Han, D., Nguyen, T., Tedesco, A., Morton, C., Mohseni, N., Velasquez, K., & Chancellor-Freeland, C. (April 2019) Election’s Impact on Stress and Cortisol Levels. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Pasadena, CA.
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Treatment and Mitigating Factors. Cheryl Chancellor-Freeland (San Jose State University), Megumi Hosoda, and Elizabeth Ortega
Chancellor-Freeland, C., Cortinas, A., Caraan, J., Tedesco, A., Strabinick, J., Shade, Z., (2018, April). Social Media Use and Its Effect on Cortisol Reactivity to Stressful Social Situations. Poster Presented at the Western Psychological Association's 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Cogan, R., Chancellor-Freeland, C., Velasquez, K., Shade, Z., Tedesco, A., (2018, April).Power Posing: An Examination of Confounding Factors. Poster Presented at the Western Psychological Association's 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Han, D., Nguyen, Tri., Peace, S., Cortinas, A., Dallas, J. & Chancellor-Freeland, C., Ph.D. (2018, April). The Variable Effects of Pets on Stress Reactivity. Poster Presented at the Western Psychological Association's 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Tedesco, A., & Chancellor-Freeland, C., (2018, April). Confidence as a Predictor of Neuroendocrine Stress Reactivity. Poster accepted at the Western Psychological Association's 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Master’s Theses
Nguyen, Dong T. H
The effects of psychosocial stress and social support on memory (2009)
Chen, Wei-Ju
Immediate Effects of Positive Self-Talk on Stress and Speech Performance (2012)
Xie, Charles Jia Yao
Trust, Reciprocity, Fairness, and Mind Reading Under Stress (2016)
Holguin, Anthony Thomas
An Investigation Of Co-Rumination On Stress Levels And Mood (2010).
Iwasaki, Atsuko
Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Multiple Object Tracking (2012)
Miao, Daniel C.
Relationship between Cognitive Functions and Hormones (2013)